距离上次在部落格留下自己的心情。。。 已经有一段时间了。。。到底这段时间,我在忙什么呢??? hmmm... 也没什么的。。。就是每天忙做工。。。晚上就上上网。。。可是前几天,这死人internet。。。慢到。。。可以去煮个maggi 面,再回来。。。都还没load 到我要的那面。。。咋到我~~~
上网时,都是上facebook 啦。。。friendster啦。。。再不是就是去别人的blog走一圈。。。看看别人是多莫的美。。。真的不明白。。。怎么可以那么美。。。哈哈。。。而且。。。怎么可以每天都一定有不同的心情post上blog。。。而且。。。有时差不多每天都是开开心心的事。。。我呢??? 我觉得我每天。。。不是很烦,就是没什么特别开心的事发生。。。我想。。。这应该是个人的问题吧。。。所谓。。。你看世界魅力,它就是美丽的。。。你看世界是黑暗的,那它当然是不开心的吧。。。maybe 这是个人的观点问题吧。。。
有时,在msn遇到可以谈话的朋友。。。谈谈下,会成了个习惯。。。所谓,习惯成自然吧。。。可是当成了自然。。。当他突然不再online时,开始会很难习惯。。。都讲是习惯咯。。。不习惯了几天。。。再失踪了整两个礼拜有多。。。会更不习惯。。。虽然说别人没有理由要二十四小时online陪我谈话。。。别人也有别人的事要做的。。。这点我是明白的。。。都说是习惯咯。。。自己习惯每天online,也不代表别人也要每天online的。。。ok ok。。。我明白。。。然后,就在朋友面前讲了几句别人的坏话。。。也不是真的是坏话啦。。。只是maybe嘴巴就是痒吧。。。爱讲。。。让后就传到别人的耳里。。。那别人虽然说是玩得起。。。不会真的生气。。。可是也咋了我几句。。。因为我们每天就是爱咋来咋去吧。。。说我讲他变了咯。。。什么什么的。。。其实,现在想想,maybe心里只是怕自己会被遗忘吧。。。又maybe 是不知不觉建立的那种那份友谊,害怕这份友谊会在时间里淡化吧。。。maybe 就是这样而已。。。也maybe 自己不曾被重视。。。所以。。。hmmm....太多maybe了。。。
p/s: 以为他已忘了我所要的那些半首歌的ring tone, 哪里知道今天, 虽然说没给完我, 可是是说没时间, 只cut 到一首, tooth给我, 有点意外, 也有点内疚, 也当然有点开心,谢谢你...
再过一天,二月又要跟我们说再见了。。。在二月里,自己visit greenbox的时间,真的是有够多咯。。。四次。。。omg。。。太可怕了吧。。。不过有一次是‘公帐’啦。。。嘿嘿。。。 另外一次是情人节那天,跟了个好朋友,用唱k和看电影度过了。。。 再两次,是跟我的k kaki去的。。。哈哈。。。想起,我们俩,大概每个月都会去至少一次吧。。。就觉得我们有点可怕了。。。哈哈。。。
最近visit k 的时间多了,k kaki 介绍了我蛮多新歌。。。好好听哦。。。虽然说,歌词我还不是很记得。。。可是,今天拿到了她send 给我的歌。。。ok! 我会好好努力的!!! 好听的歌如下:
1) 卫兰- 阴天假期(其实这是一首日文歌翻译过来的,而本人是非常喜欢那日文版本的,如果没错是中岛美嘉的日文歌,有谁有啊。。。???send 给我....please..... please......)
2)方炯斌- 坏人 (超喜欢的。。。my type。。。 哈哈)
3)S.H.E - 沿海公路的出口 , 你最近还好吗 (也是我喜欢的类型的歌,虽然说这不是新歌... 可很好听!!!~~)
4) 五月天- 突然好想你 , 你不是真正的快乐(在k 里,很难唱一下,因为很低音,(有那位男生可以唱给我听呢?hehe... 可是超喜欢的,很有意思的歌词...)
5)林俊杰- 我还想她 , 小酒窝 (也是其中一首k歌... 必点之歌!!! ) , 期待爱 (不是新歌,可是到现在都还喜欢,maybe 很像我现在的心情吧... 期待着一些希望....)
三月,将会是个满难~过的一个月吧.... 虽然说是一个人,要相信自己是可以的.... yes!!!希望别人会多点来公司啦.... 不然就即忙死,又闷死了...... 努力!!!
h@ppy M@rch...!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
今天。。。应该是受了包公的影响。。。脸黑黑了整天。。。很难控制。。。就是心里很不爽。。。为什么不爽?很难解释。。。 可能是因为公司就要有不同的安排。。。而这安排,就是不懂为什么。。。令我感觉很不自在。。。很不喜欢这种被蒙在鼓里的感觉。。。
Monday, February 16, 2009
这几天。。。心情都不是很好。。。不懂为什么。。。 会不会是天蝎座的女生,就是特别的情绪化,特别的爱胡思乱想的呢???我不晓得。。。
在情人节的那天。。。由于没有情人。。。就找了个好朋友一起出去疯了一天。。。首先去唱了三个小时的歌。。。然后就逛了逛街。。。 然后。。。看了场电影。。。valkyrie。。。原来,是一部历史戏。。。闷到~~以向来不喜欢历史课的我。。。简直想在西院里睡觉。。。哈哈。。。而我的"女朋友"呢。。。只对恐怖片,刺激的动作片有兴趣。。。这种酱艺术的戏。。。简直也闷到她了。。。没办法。。。这一季的戏,已经没得好选了。。。就酱闷闷的,挨了两个钟多。。。嘿嘿。。。把RM10元白白的送给戏院了。。。
今天,自己一个人在公司。。。有些无聊。。。突然觉得。。。自己真得很没有目的。。。也觉得这份工越做越显。。。没什么发挥的空间。。。(讲到好像自己很有料酱,其实不知道自己可以做什么。。。)就是越做越给我感觉混乱。。。不知道自己到底为了什么而做。。。也不懂自己的位置到底是什么。。。不懂为什么。。。可能,自己真正要什么,自己都不知道吧。。。 有个朋友说,有了目标,就会有前进的理由。。。而我的目标呢?要怎么找呢?去哪里找呢?
‘给自己的新开一扇窗。。。看一看,听一听。。。用心感受。。。你会发现,明天。。。不一样。。。 也想为自己的心开一扇窗。。。可是,要怎么看?要怎么听呢?
Due to some of my dear in blog that dunno chinese, I will need to translate it to english... so that I won't be scold by them... cos them are my fans to this blog also... hohoho...
These few days, felt that my emotion was not so good... always feel like scolding people... and heart feel not right... izit becos i m a scorpio gal? izit a scorpio gal will think as much as i did, think as many as i did...? i dunno... i really dunno bout this answer...
On Valentine's day, I had went out with my recently best friend... both of us had went to sing k for 3 hours... and had watched a movie after that... wow, do both thing in one day... i think this is my first time as well... haha... watched 'valkyrie'... omg... so boring movie... its kinda historical movie... so boring... omg... for those who dun like history, hmmm... think twice before u watch... altou there is tom cruise there... haha...
The second day, at first plan to find another friend in wangsa maju... mana tahu... she went genting with her bf... hmm... so difficult i got the heart to go so far... haha... no choice... we went for a movie again in pyramid....'house'... which we thought is a good horror movie... but then... haiz... dissapointed... what kind of horror movie is this??? y nowadays... haiz... really dissapointed...
Today, I was alone in office... feel quite boring... and think much again... feel that I am so blur of what am i doing... what actually what i want... what actually I am in this company... I dunnoo.... I am so blur... sometimes really feel no mu biao in my life... how to get a correct way for myself... and how to find it.... i really dunnoo... maybe there is only one word in my life... ---> blur + blur...
在情人节的那天。。。由于没有情人。。。就找了个好朋友一起出去疯了一天。。。首先去唱了三个小时的歌。。。然后就逛了逛街。。。 然后。。。看了场电影。。。valkyrie。。。原来,是一部历史戏。。。闷到~~以向来不喜欢历史课的我。。。简直想在西院里睡觉。。。哈哈。。。而我的"女朋友"呢。。。只对恐怖片,刺激的动作片有兴趣。。。这种酱艺术的戏。。。简直也闷到她了。。。没办法。。。这一季的戏,已经没得好选了。。。就酱闷闷的,挨了两个钟多。。。嘿嘿。。。把RM10元白白的送给戏院了。。。
今天,自己一个人在公司。。。有些无聊。。。突然觉得。。。自己真得很没有目的。。。也觉得这份工越做越显。。。没什么发挥的空间。。。(讲到好像自己很有料酱,其实不知道自己可以做什么。。。)就是越做越给我感觉混乱。。。不知道自己到底为了什么而做。。。也不懂自己的位置到底是什么。。。不懂为什么。。。可能,自己真正要什么,自己都不知道吧。。。 有个朋友说,有了目标,就会有前进的理由。。。而我的目标呢?要怎么找呢?去哪里找呢?
‘给自己的新开一扇窗。。。看一看,听一听。。。用心感受。。。你会发现,明天。。。不一样。。。 也想为自己的心开一扇窗。。。可是,要怎么看?要怎么听呢?
Due to some of my dear in blog that dunno chinese, I will need to translate it to english... so that I won't be scold by them... cos them are my fans to this blog also... hohoho...
These few days, felt that my emotion was not so good... always feel like scolding people... and heart feel not right... izit becos i m a scorpio gal? izit a scorpio gal will think as much as i did, think as many as i did...? i dunno... i really dunno bout this answer...
On Valentine's day, I had went out with my recently best friend... both of us had went to sing k for 3 hours... and had watched a movie after that... wow, do both thing in one day... i think this is my first time as well... haha... watched 'valkyrie'... omg... so boring movie... its kinda historical movie... so boring... omg... for those who dun like history, hmmm... think twice before u watch... altou there is tom cruise there... haha...
The second day, at first plan to find another friend in wangsa maju... mana tahu... she went genting with her bf... hmm... so difficult i got the heart to go so far... haha... no choice... we went for a movie again in pyramid....'house'... which we thought is a good horror movie... but then... haiz... dissapointed... what kind of horror movie is this??? y nowadays... haiz... really dissapointed...
Today, I was alone in office... feel quite boring... and think much again... feel that I am so blur of what am i doing... what actually what i want... what actually I am in this company... I dunnoo.... I am so blur... sometimes really feel no mu biao in my life... how to get a correct way for myself... and how to find it.... i really dunnoo... maybe there is only one word in my life... ---> blur + blur...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
方炯镔 → 坏人
那一扇车门 关出我们的裂痕
爱无法均分 以后就留给你们
既然爱不能恒温 祝福就给你下一个人
既然爱不能恒温 祝福就给你下一个人
不能放任所以放了 这点痛我还能忍
三个人从不对等 总有个人必须牺牲
不能放任所以放了 这点痛我还能忍
好有感觉的一首歌。。。 听了也很想哭的感觉。。。
忽然想到。。。有异性没人性这句话。。。应该是有百分之五十的正确吧。。。被答应过的事。。。应该都不会被记得了吧。。。 :'(
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
CNY 2009 gathering with frenz...
gathering with frenz is really the happiest thing for me ...... i think... no matter with primary, secondary, kolej, or university frenz... or even the ex-colleague frenz... or even current colleague/ frenz...
this Chinese new year... went out with my secondary best fren as usual... and only in cny time... we all can gather together... with no absence... haha... cos somebody... only come out when cny time... haha... other time... no matter how we ask also say busy lah... apa la... and this year is more special... cos my daughter came back from US... hehe... we had visit to her house as well... really happy for that...
She had also organize a chinese new year party and invite all of us... took some memorable pictures...

me and my daughter... came back for cny... so happy to meet her... and so miss her...
whole gang of frenz... that went to the cny dinner ......
We had also secondary class gathering - 5D gathering... but seems like just few little cat coming only... and we and the unexpected ' guest' as what one of the classmate say... cos normally when there is gathering... we won't show up...... but this time... hehe... but actually sometimes is we didn't even know there is gathering... we are the missed out one... so that's y we didn't show up ... hehe... happy to meet them also... it's been 7 years we didn't meet already...

gathering after 7 years time...
Here comes the visiting pictures we had took when we are in each of us house... hehe.. each house we visit also we took some photo... siao right... but fun actually... memorable...



this Chinese new year... went out with my secondary best fren as usual... and only in cny time... we all can gather together... with no absence... haha... cos somebody... only come out when cny time... haha... other time... no matter how we ask also say busy lah... apa la... and this year is more special... cos my daughter came back from US... hehe... we had visit to her house as well... really happy for that...
She had also organize a chinese new year party and invite all of us... took some memorable pictures...
me and my daughter... came back for cny... so happy to meet her... and so miss her...
We had also secondary class gathering - 5D gathering... but seems like just few little cat coming only... and we and the unexpected ' guest' as what one of the classmate say... cos normally when there is gathering... we won't show up...... but this time... hehe... but actually sometimes is we didn't even know there is gathering... we are the missed out one... so that's y we didn't show up ... hehe... happy to meet them also... it's been 7 years we didn't meet already...
gathering after 7 years time...
Here comes the visiting pictures we had took when we are in each of us house... hehe.. each house we visit also we took some photo... siao right... but fun actually... memorable...
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