Tuesday, March 31, 2009

cute bedsheet~~

see? this cute bedsheet... is the present from my dear boon yi for my previous birthday... sure u all curious... why until now only use the bedsheet...??? ya, this is the good question... and I have a good answer for this as well... hehe... its because all the while my bed have been 'ba zhan' by other... then I got no mood to put up his bedsheet already loh... until now... my bed have become my bed back already... so... its time..... haha... so... very cute leh...

And side view...
also that cute ... haha...

hmmm... today... 三番四次泪水要来找我的感觉。。。我都尽量压抑着。。。都不懂做末。。。到了总公司的同事跟我讲,明天来的那位同事,只是来一个月,然后我就去银行了。。。然后呢。。。突然想着想着,心里有些不爽。。。不懂做末很难受。。。然后又想。。。我还真是很可怜,如果讲现在要找个人诉苦,还真的是没有。。。零。。。朋友,不是没有,可是都是很远的。。。所谓,远水救不了近火嘛。。。唉。。。你们说我可怜吗?都怪我年轻时不交多一些朋友。。。显。。。厉害压抑的我,还是阻止了泪水的拜访。。。~~~


Sunday, March 29, 2009

熄灯一小时。。。 earth hour - 28/03/2009

earth hour... which happen yesterday... but... have a look on this picture...

this picture was took about 9p.m., 28/03/09... hmm....c how's people reaction about this earth hour...... nobody seems to care about it... which means .... nobody love this earth... haha... haiz... its not a good sign... although this is just around my living area... which maybe other place... all of them off their lights also... but .... this can know that... klang people... ehmm.... no need me to say liao... but .... but..... we are different.... see.....

this is my house... haha... which u can't see it clearly... its because we love our earth... haha... off the light really for an hour... haha...

Love the earth... Love the earth.... recycle..... haha... sometimes can lar... sometimes.... but will also try our best to do it of course...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009







这句真的乍到我了。。。-_-" 我并没回答妈,也没看着她,因为我不懂要给她什么反应。。。因为我连要给自己什么反应都不知道了。。。





Wednesday, March 18, 2009


酱算不算命苦。。。我也不晓得了。。。 也许,在现在酱的经济时机,钱才是万能,才是最实际的吧。。。可就是会失望,因为所计划的计划,泡汤了。。。虽然说也不是渣都没得剩,也许也要谢谢他们帮我争取的吧。。。 可心里会想。。。有时自己很没用一下,因为想到,只要是他开口的要求,我想我好像都没有拒绝过的。。。我都会很难说不的。。。就不懂为什么。。。可每当讨论完了时,才会回想起,怎么自己酱没用叻。。。为什么就是不会跟他说不。。。要等事后了才后悔当初。。也虽然说,他给我的意见,不是说会害我的啦,都是为我好的,可有时他没站在我的立场想。。。就是酱而已。。。 maybe就是内心深处一个小小的感触吧。。。


Monday, March 16, 2009

my favourite color...

opps... upload wrongly... but what a cute little golden retriever...

This is the picture i wanted to upload...

For those who know me well, this is my favourite color... which saw this pretty flowers somewhere in somebody's facebook pictures... I also knew that flowers just pretty for few days only, and won't last long... but... just also like it so much... especially flowers in my favourite sky blue color... sigh... believe it or not... never receive flowers like this before... haha... ashame.... hmmm...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

m!stakes d@y...

today... keep on do things wrong...........
what am i doing leh???

1st... easily forgotten on what people told me on the situation... and transfer wrong information to the other side... sxxx ... makes me so paiseh in front of the 'wu gu' person... haiz... actually not his fault one... now because of me, it become his fault... at 1st lar... but at last also get to explain with the other party about it to correct MY mistakes... yes... is MY mistakes... why am i so forgettful ....so easy to forget what people had explained to me... haiz...like old people brain... although still able to correct the mistakes, but I still felt paiseh to him... haiz... sorry ya, 表哥... sorry... I m not purposely de...

2nd... explain the wrong information to the salesman... oh shxx... later next time he submit the wrong document... that time i will really dxx loh... then that time i will die dao hen nan kan... cos i teach him the wrong thing... haiz... tried to call him after he left to correct my mistakes... but.... why his handphone can't get through??? oh my god... aih.. why am I always lack of confident on explaining things to people... why??? then now even work thing also make mistakes... shxx loh...
hope tomorrow I can get to call the salesman and correct my mistakes also... god, protect me...

3rd... forgot already... oh my god... old people sickness came again...

Company is restructuring nowadays... many things had change internally... this makes me worry... and also scare... although I am so far away... but dunno y... one thinking in my mind... recession.... restructuring... and retrenchment... haiz... really feel not right about all this... yes I know... changes is good for each company... changes is to walk far and more far... but.... this kind of changes really makes me feel not right... y y tell me y....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


不懂做么,每当没人online时,都会想到他,maybe那时跟他谈得太多了吧。。。已经成了习惯。。。可是这习惯,真的是时候要改了。。。毕竟,在这个世界上,是没有100%朋友的陪伴的。。。人,毕竟是有自己的私生活的。。。而生活的黑与白, 也是要靠自己去涂上颜色,而要涂什么颜色,全在自己的手中。。。maybe我不会的就是这一点吧。。。真的是颜色白痴! 深深相信,时间就是最好的药。。。免费的哦!嘿嘿。。。


P/S: 以上心情纯属独家拥有,如有雷同,记得通知本人,因会有兴趣认识各界心心相印的“高人”。谢谢阅读。

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

about bread + sad + happy...

Its been long time also... i didn't update any blog with photo... this morning... when eating a piece of bread... suddenly memory flash back.... flash back to my Uni time... if not mistaken is uni time lar... that time... we like to buy this kind of bread... that is ------>

opps.... hmm.... the image is too ugly....can't even upload here... try to imagine back maybe... :p haiz... phone camera really no good... haha....

i still remember that time when we are studying... there are bread stall that sell bread outside our university... then the most sellable bread is this one... ---> 'xie rou mian bao'... haha... whenever we go must buy at least one de... even if late then will be 'SOLD OUT'... haha... can u imagine that...??? sometimes dunno what so special bout this... but its quite popular that time lar... my frenz... still remember those times...??? really miss those days... Sometimes... something if u didn't do it long time already..... will be forgotten easily... or maybe is me only.... easily forgotten things recently... whenever suddenly remember back.... it is really a sweet study days.... with 'xie rou mian bao'... wakakaka...

Tonight really not a good night for me... there is always something family matters happen behind... quarrel and disagreements happens.... i really don't like this kind of feeling... nobody can tell... somebody think this is a very 'xia suei' if telling others... thats y telling other... will be very 'xia suei'... arhg..... y is that problems always never ending....??? when will it ends... ??? maybe its part of my fault also... i didnt take initiative to 'an wei' somebody... just let other to face it... but.... i m not good in doing those thing... just not good enough...

Mood comes good when I receive a small gift from my dear collegue from kl... I dunno y she will suddenly give me this gift... certainly, its not my birthday... and not our "Knowing 1 year anniversary"... haha... but when i receive it, I was really happy... dunno y... maybe I was just too easy to satisfy... even if a small small gift from any of my dear friend... will make me smile enough already... she some more gave me my favorite color clip.... (as what she asked me before give me, hehehe)... sky blue... blue = blur blur.... that is me... sometimes... haha... this is the small gift... --->

Thanks dear theresa... you are so sWeet.... sometimes sorry for asking u so many question that I suppose to know the answer(who ask to be more experience than me???) , and to be so '438'( which u teach me de... hehe) I will always remember this de... ---> 438... :p love u oh...

Promised myself to take down all the things happen using my camera... so that it can be a sweet memory in future... :)

Monday, March 2, 2009


今 天。。。上完班之后,就回家了。。。然后看了刚刚好电台播着周杰伦稻香电视特辑。。。之后就开了命中注定我爱你。。。一个我可以看了很久的台湾连续剧。。。朋友都说蛮不错的。。。可是给我。。。就是不懂为什么。。。看来看去。。。总觉得,哎哟,怎么那么长的啊?怎么看也看不完。。。哈哈。。。

不过,为了不让我跟我朋友借得没意思,所以,怎么样,我都要把它看完。。。 哈哈。。。无聊吧。。。其实想一想,我其实也很久没有酱在家看片看酱久了。。。只从一月那时,首先是去了马六甲,然后呢。。。就去槟城training。。。然后呢。。。每个星期好像都会出去。。。也不知不觉花了蛮多的钱。。。haha。。。

开 了命中注定我爱你。。。看着看着,眼泪就不知不觉一直来找我。。。看到那戏里的陈欣怡。。。虽然是个那么平凡的一个人。。。可她竟然可以那么的伟大,有那么的笨。。。要骂她,又不是,不骂她,又觉得她怎么可以自己委屈到那样。。。真是个名副其实的便利贴女孩叻。。。就是不懂为什么,当看到她车祸,然后男方 被逼签下同意书,把她肚子里的孩子拿掉时,而女方,一直要求他不要签时,眼泪就一直的流。。。哇噻,你也太感性了吧。。。hehe。。。 有点不能顶自己,如果给别人,一定没感觉吧。。。就是不懂为什么,女孩子的心情肯定非常难受,男方在被逼的情况下要签下那同意书,心里比任何人都更难受吧。。。在然后,当男的发现自己真正爱的是陈欣怡时,每天去到女的家,只希望打听到她的消息,儿女的妈妈再跟他讲了那番话时,眼泪又来了。。。妈妈说: ‘以前,我每次都对我女儿说,你是我们家多余出来的,而陈欣怡呢,从来都不会顶回嘴,只会微微笑。。。你自己想一想,如果给别家的女儿,当一个妈妈跟女儿讲酱的话,女儿会怎么想呢?可能别家的女儿已经离家出走很久了。。。可就是陈欣怡,为了不让家里觉得她自己是多余的,她很努力的生活,尽量去帮人,只是希 望能帮到别人。。。这样的一个女孩,你也狠心把她伤成那样。。。。。。。。。”听到这里。。。真的觉得她怎么可以那么的委屈?不可能吧。。。在这世界上,还会有那样的一种人吗?

目前还没看完,还有两片dvd。。。 好长哦。。。^_^

对了,“表哥”告诉我,他也要注册了。。。四月注册。。。恭喜你啦!!! ^_^